Self-Directed IRA
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- Written by: API Manage
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- Hits: 37674
Larry C. Grossman
Managing Director
Larry is one of the nation’s best-known advocates of international diversification for retirement plans. He has spoken at financial conferences held by many of the top non-U.S. banking and financial institutions around the globe, he has been interviewed by media outlets worldwide, and he wrote the book The Ultimate Retirement Protection Plan (2006, The Sovereign Society), along with numerous articles in professional and popular publications.
An outspoken critic of questionable offshore financial practices, Larry is a strong advocate for proper asset protection and offshore planning done in a compliant manner. He has more than 25 years of experience specializing in domestic and international financial planning.
Larry graduated summa cum laude with a bachelor of arts degree in business management from Eckerd College.
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- Written by: API Manage
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 5814
As an Independent IRA Administrator, Sovereign International Pension Services does not offer tax, legal or investment advice.
As with any tax related or legal matter you should seek the counsel of your own advisor.
All information and materials that appear are provided as is without any express or implied warranty of any kind or nature.
IRS CIRCULAR 230 TAX ADVICE DISCLAIMER: Any federal tax advice contained in this website (including articles, attachments or enclosures) is not intended or written to be used, and it cannot be used, for the purpose of (1) avoiding any penalty that may be imposed by the Internal Revenue Service or (2) promoting, marketing or recommending any transaction or matter.
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- Written by: API Manage
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 5439
Our firm is dedicated to your privacy ...
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- Written by: API Manage
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- Hits: 9357
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- Written by: API Manage
- Category: Uncategorised
- Hits: 4665
Sovereign International Pension Services will be closed the following Holidays:
- January 1, 2025- Wednesday, New Year's Day
- January 20, 2025- Monday, Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- April 18, 2025- Friday, Good Friday
- May 26, 2025- Monday, Memorial Day
- July 4, 2025- Friday, Independence Day
- September 1, 2025- Monday, Labor Day
- November 11, 2025- Tuesday, Veterans Day
- November 27, 2025- Thursday, Thanksgiving Holiday
- November 28, 2025- Friday, Day after Thanksgiving
- December 25, 2025- Thursday, Christmas Day
- January 1, 2026- Thursday, New Year's Day
* When a holiday falls on Saturday or Sunday, most employees observed the holiday on the previous Friday or following Monday, respectively.